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Two spotless high school students receive flawless SAT math scores

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    Two promising students who attend a high school in Fairfield County will likely have no problems getting accepted into colleges. 

    Jie Du, Class of 2023 (right), and Yipeng "Simon" Zhao, Class of 2024 (left) achieved perfect scores on the math section of their SAT exams.

    Jie Du, Class of 2023 (right), and Yipeng "Simon" Zhao, Class of 2024 (left) achieved perfect scores on the math section of their SAT exams.

    Photo Credit: Facebook/Immaculate High School

    That's because they both achieved a perfect score of 800 on the math portion of their SAT exams in December, according to Immaculate High School, which is located in Danbury. 

    Both Danbury resident Jie Du, Class of 2023, and Sandy Hook resident Yipeng "Simon" Zhao, Class of 2024, earned the impressive accomplishment. 

    The school announced the perfect scores on Thursday, Dec. 29. 

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    Author: Glenda Hendricks

    Last Updated: 1704388082

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    Name: Glenda Hendricks

    Birthday: 1992-09-30

    Address: 257 Aaron Knoll Apt. 748, Williamville, LA 38731

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    Job: Article Writer

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    Introduction: My name is Glenda Hendricks, I am a venturesome, talented, striking, ingenious, rich, intrepid, fearless person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.